Need assistance implementing LessonBridge or migrating existing lessons?
Secutor’s experience team can get you up and running quickly using our service options.
LessonBridge Training
If your team needs training in the use of LessonBridge or on best practices for how to conduct an effective after-action review process and then and reuse this information, we can help. We provide training using standard course material or we can tailor the training to your needs.
LessonBridge Implementation
By assessing your business processes, we can help you manage your successful implementation of your LessonBridge. We'll focus on the key events within your processes that will trigger discovery and reuse of lessons learned. We'll then look for ways to integrate LessonBridge to optimize its use in the context of these key events and help you reduce risks, resolve issues and improve your processes.
Lessons Learned Migration
If you are already using spreadsheets or other tools to capture lessons learned, we can help you migrate these lessons into LessonBridge. By migrating existing lessons, your users will more quickly realize the benefits of using the LessonBridge system.